Una nueva era en la robótica

A new era in robotics

Given that we are in the last days of 2017, and that we are approaching a 2018 full of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and new robots that are going to be part of our daily lives, we wanted to bring you this video published by the ABB company in 2014. The ABB company,

The ABB Company, with more than 40 years in the field of robótica, presents us with this video where he talks about how they have innovated in the design of their products so that they collaborate in the best way with people. Security is one of its main objectives and every technological advance is based on it. In the video they also present their IRB 6700 model, the first to have the design and color changes.

You can activate the subtitles in Spanish

Here is the dialogue transcript in Spanish:

In 1974 ABB introduced the world's first all-electric microprocessor-controlled robot. During these last 40 years, the robotics industry has seen an amazing amount of innovation and incredible improvements. As other product offerings have evolved and changed dramatically, the important thing has remained constant: the color of our robots. When we were introduced to unknown products, we thought orange was appropriate for safety. We wanted to help people remember that they were working with a powerful piece of equipment that was potentially dangerous. Time has changed and ABB has to change with it.

Yes, now entering a new era of robotics, one where collaboration between humans and robots is a reality. Recent advances in software and hardware have enabled a new generation of robots that can safely work alongside people.

In the past bright color was necessary to keep humans away, but this new age of robots should be more welcoming. At the same time ABB has changed as a company. We are realizing our unique ability to offer complete global solutions and the ABB brand is stronger around the world. A new design language and color ensures that our robots are easily identifiable as ABB products. Today we are launching a new design that is more modern and better suited to the collaboration area. We call this new design “Dynamic Design” and it is based on the concept that ABB offers efficient solutions for a dynamic world. Not only is it based on new shapes, it also comes with a new color: graphite white.

The best example of this design change can be seen in our recently introduced IRB 6700, from the curves on the robot's surface to the new colors you can see the design language that all our robots will adopt.

The best example of this design change can be seen in our recently introduced IRB 6700, from the curves on the robot's surface to the new colors you can see the design language that all our robots will adopt.



Fuente: ABB
