Aumento de productividad en armadora de cajas

Increased productivity in box erector


Development to increase productivity:

  • Survey and study of equipment operation.
  • Identification of potential optimization points.
  • New mechanical, electrical and pneumatic design.
  • Program development and optimization.
  • Machining of parts
  • Assembly and commissioning.

Works Done

  • Synchronization of mechanical movements with the aim of reducing times.
  • Installation of frequency variator to increase output speed.
  • Reinforcements in the main structure to reduce vibrations.
  • Optimization of the pneumatic circuit to reduce inertia and downtime.
  • Programming and performance tests.

A 50% INCREASE IN CADENCE WAS ACHIEVED. Previously the equipment worked at a maximum cadence of 10 boxes/ minute, and with the mentioned reforms it was left working at 15 boxes/ minute.



