SCADA en planta de Dulce de Leche

SCADA in Dulce de Leche plant


Scada to visualize and operate the complete process of making dulce de leche. The SCADA used was a Intouch de 60 000 tag de Wonderware. The process had 1600 input signals and 850 output signals.

Through the SCADA, total control and operation of the input silos, pre-mix tanks, kettles, coolers and packaging machines and the general process is obtained. Giving reports of all kinds of data, such as flow, temperatures, amounts of PM, faults, alarms, among other points that need to be analyzed.

This SCADA allows senior managers to have precise on-site control of the entire process, in which each one will be able to observe the situation that most interests them from their PC online. Finally, production and CIP (washed) data are loaded into a SQL database, which is located on a plant server, from which daily/weekly/monthly and annual reports are obtained on production data, which are extremely important. as information for decision making.

